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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Lecture Human resource management: Chapter 4 - Ngô Quý Nhâm
Lecture "Human resource management - Chapter 4: Selecting employees and placing selecting employees and placing them in jobs" presentation of content: Identify the elements of the selection process, define ways to measure the success of the selection method,... Invite reference.
31 p cdxd2 26/05/2016 283 2
Từ khóa: Human resource management, Lecture Human resource management, Selecting employees, Placing selecting employees, Placing them in jobs, The elements of the selection process
Learning objectives of this chapter include: Explain why the Human Resources function is critical to the success of a company, describe the key processes managed by a Human Resources Department, describe how an integrated information system can support effective Human Resources Processes.
33 p cdxd2 12/04/2016 326 3
Từ khóa: Enterprise resource planning, Hoạch định nguồn lực doanh nghiệp, Information system, Business processes, Human Resources Processes, Human Resources Department
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