BURSTING THE REALITY BUBBLE: A Guide to Escaping THEIR Reality & Creating YOUR OWN

Warning ... DId that scare you? It should. There is some serious S%&T in here. Unfortunately for legal purposes I probably do have to put a warning in here. So I'm going to...
Language: First things first: all of those crazy characters at the beginning there .. yea..the ones blocking out the naughty word .. don't expect those any more. I'm an adult... you're an adult ... and there's some adult language in here. Just s few instances. Nothing too horrible. So if you're an sdult. don't get offended. And if you're a kid you're going to think this is really cool
Humor: Yes. This is s humor warning. If you do not have a sense of humor you need a warning. Some things hereafter may be a joke. They're not serious. If I tell you to steal your neighbor's lamp you probably shouldn't